How to stay motivated when you’re stuck in the day to day operations of your business.
You’re running your business, but you want to move it forward with your next big idea. You have a lightbulb moment and know exactly what you want to do and how to do it.
But …..
You are so busy working in your business as it is there is no time to do anything different. You end up feeling completely stuck which leads to feeling totally demotivated and losing the love.
Don’t despair. There is a way. But only if you want it badly enough.
Change your words.
When we find ourselves in a situation like this it’s all too easy to sit down and say “I can’t” and “I don’t have enough time”. This negative chatter eats away at us and gets us starting to believe it.
Change “I can’t” to “How can I?”
Change “I don’t have enough time” to “How can I free up more time?”
These simple changes put us back in a feeling of control and create a positive mindset which will help get us motivated to find a way forward.
Create a plan
Make sure you sit down and write out exactly what your new idea is and when you want it by. Create a plan and a timeline. Start with the end in mind and jot down what you need to do by when. If you want to take a course which will give you new skills in your business, when is the exam date? How many modules in the course? How much time will each module take? Map it all out.
Breaking it down into small chunks will allow you to see realistically how much time you are going to have to put into your new idea each month or week. It’s then up to you to find out how to free up this time to put ideas into action.
Manage your time
- Get out of bed one hour earlier each day to spend on your new idea
- Cut back on social media time which can literally waste hours each day
- Forfeit mind-numbingly mundane tv that you have gotten into the habit of watching
- Take an objective at your business. Are you working effectively or could something be streamlined? Are you doing something out of habit which really won’t have much impact if you stop doing it altogether?
- Do you spend hours cooking in the evenings? Find some quick and easy recipes that take just 30 minutes to prepare and cook. Get the family to do the clearing up after the meal.
If you want your new idea badly enough you will find a way. If you don’t, you will find an excuse. The choice is yours.